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by Rick West

由里克·韦斯特(Rick West)

为什么一个导师是不够的 (Why one mentor just isn’t enough)

A mentor can give career guidance and help with learning. They can teach you how to solve problems, network, and the list goes on.

导师可以提供职业指导并帮助学习。 他们可以教您如何解决问题,建立网络,并且清单不胜枚举。

I’m lucky enough to work under and be mentored by a senior developer with 20 years of experience. This is awesome. And it’s incredible how much I’ve improved as a developer since working with him.

我很幸运能够在拥有20年经验的高级开发人员的指导下工作。 这太棒了。 自从与他合作以来,作为一名开发人员,我的进步令人不可思议。

But, as I’ve become more proficient and have started consuming more content. I’m beginning to see that there is always more than one way to approach a problem. There are many ways, other than his way.

但是,随着我变得更加精通并开始使用更多内容。 我开始看到解决问题总是有不止一种方法。 除他的方式外,还有许多其他方式。

This got me thinking back to my . I left school and started from the bottom. I learned my craft, gained experience and became an expert at that discipline.

这使我回想起 。 我离开学校,从底层开始。 我学习了自己的手艺,积累了经验,并成为该学科的专家。

Moving into software development, I’m starting that whole process again — from the bottom!


I’m fortunate, because having that previous experience has helped me understand what it takes to learn and become proficient in a skill.


I know how to learn.


I have been able to identify several parallels between my old and new careers. And I’m sure these parallels will extend into pretty much any career. Because of my past experience, I have a different perspective on having a mentor.

我已经找到了新旧事业之间的一些相似之处。 而且我相信这些相似之处几乎可以延伸到任何职业。 基于我过去的经验,我对拥有导师有不同的看法。

In construction, you start out as an apprentice. You may have some foundational knowledge from college, but in general you are learning your trade from a more experienced “mentor.” This is a fantastic method of learning that has proved to work time and time again.

在施工中,您是从学徒开始的。 您可能从大学获得一些基础知识,但总的来说,您是从经验更丰富的“导师”那里学习交易的。 这是一种奇妙的学习方法,事实证明它可以一次又一次地起作用。

During an apprenticeship, you get to learn foundational skills from an experienced boss or co-worker in a hands-on position. As soon as you start working, the progress you make is unbelievable. You improve at a phenomenal rate.

在学徒期间,您可以从经验丰富的老板或同事那里学习基础技能。 一旦开始工作,您所取得的进步令人难以置信。 您以惊人的速度进步。

However, what you are learning is one person’s “way.”

但是,您正在学习的是一个人的 “方法”。

At this point in your career, you don’t have a clear concept of what’s good, bad, right or wrong. You’re not necessarily being shown the best way.

在您职业生涯的这一点上,您对好,坏,对或错的概念并没有一个清晰的概念。 您不一定会得到最好的显示。

As they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat!

就像他们说的, 有多种方法可以给猫皮!

When I left my first job as an apprentice plumber, I moved on and started working with someone else. Someone else with a totally different approach to solving certain problems.

当我离开第一份工作作为学徒管道工时,我继续前进并开始与其他人一起工作。 以完全不同的方式解决某些问题的其他人。

Better ways? Sometimes!

更好的方法? 有时!

But different for sure. I learned a different way of thinking about a problem, a different way to approach a solution. I learned and improved.

但是可以肯定的是。 我学会了一种不同的思考问题的方式,一种解决问题的方式。 我学会了并且改进了。

Throughout a 10-year plumbing and heating career, I had the pleasure of working with several exceptionally skilled colleagues. I took something from each of them and blended the best bits together to find the right way for me. This enabled me to become the best plumber that I could be. You could even say that I became a better plumber than my more experienced mentors.

在长达10年的管道和供暖事业中,我很高兴与几位非常熟练的同事一起工作。 我从他们每个人那里拿走了一些东西,并将最好的部分融合在一起,以找到适合我的正确方法。 这使我成为了可能的最好的管道工。 您甚至可以说,我比经验丰富的导师变得更好。

Its easy to believe that your way is best and there is no need to improve or explore other options. For some people this is fine. But this attitude can stop you from reaching your full potential.

很容易相信您的方法是最好的,并且不需要改进或探索其他选择。 对于某些人来说,这很好。 但是这种态度会阻止您发挥全部潜能。

Being the type of person I am, I’m always eager to learn and improve. Being “as good” as my mentor would be amazing. But my personality makes me want to be better.

作为我的人,我总是渴望学习和提高。 像我的导师一样“出色”,真是太神奇了。 但是我的个性使我想变得更好。

But to be better I need to learn from other people too. Otherwise, I’ll just become a clone of him. I’ve still got so much to learn from him. But I’m also keen to explore other ways to learn and approach things.

但是为了更好,我也需要向其他人学习。 否则,我将成为他的克隆人。 我还有很多要向他学习。 但我也热衷于探索其他学习和处理事物的方法。

This advice transcends into any career or any subject that you might be learning. Learn from as many people as you can and seek new input and improvement all the time.

该建议可以超越您可能正在学习的任何职业或任何主题。 向尽可能多的人学习,并一直寻求新的投入和改进。

经验丰富且值得信赖的顾问 (An experienced and trusted adviser)

Mentors come in all shapes and sizes. You don’t always need an in-person mentor, and it doesn’t always have to be a one-on-one mentor/mentee relationship.

导师有各种形状和大小。 您不一定总是需要面对面的导师,也不一定总是一对一的导师/受训者关系。

Say, for example, you’re learning web development. Read books by different authors and follow tutorials by different instructors. Listen to different podcasts. Go to meet-ups and conferences. Anyone with more experience who shares content and knowledge is your mentor — whether they know it or not!

举例来说,您正在学习Web开发。 阅读不同作者的书籍,并遵循不同讲师的教程。 收听不同的播客。 参加聚会和会议。 拥有丰富经验并分享内容和知识的任何人都是您的导师–无论他们是否知道!

Always assume that there is a better way to do something. Explore different options, and find a way that suits you and your way of thinking the best.

始终假设有做某事的更好方法。 探索不同的选择,并找到适合您和您最佳思维方式的方法。

Pick the best qualities from each source of learning.


Treat your skill set like your fantasy football dream team. Cherry pick the best people for the best positions!

像幻想足球梦之队一样对待自己的技能。 樱桃选择最合适的人选拔最佳职位!

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感谢您的阅读! :)如果喜欢,请点击下面的那颗心♡按钮。 它将使更多的人在Medium上看到这个故事。

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